October 2019

NZ Geothermal

Brand Identity
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Mike Allen, Clair Scott


Rotorua, New Zealand
As part of the process to design a trade booth display for New Zealand's representation at the World Geothermal Congress (WGC) 2020 in Reykjavik, Iceland, it became apparent that developing a brand identity for New Zealand Geothermal would be a major benefit.
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Project Goals

The World Geothermal Congress attracts delegates from all sectors of the geothermal industry, giving the opportunity to network, collaborate and assess commercial opportunities.

The initiative of representation at WGC 2020 aimed to promote New Zealand as a prime destination for geothermal tourism and highlight its commitment to sustainable geothermal energy development.

The overarching goal of the NZ Inc presence at the event will be to solidify New Zealand as the premier source for geothermal knowledge and service providers.

Concept Rationale
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Design Outcome

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