April 2023

Women In Geothermal

Brand Identity
Conference Visuals
Social Media
Website Design
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WING Global


Colorado, USA
As brand designer and brand ambassador for a volunteer, not-for-profit organization who recently celebrated their 10 year anniversary, I decided to give the visual identity a refresh to assist with the celebrations.
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Original Logomark

Women in Geothermal (WING) aim is to promote the education, professional development, and advancement of women in the geothermal community. WING members represent a wide group of professional disciplines and every facet of the geothermal industry.  They come from science, engineering, legal, regulatory, business, financial and government roles.

The Global Team responsibilities were run by the New Zealand WING team from inauguration in 2013 through 2020.  The U.S. Team is currently managing WING Global Team responsibilities through July 2023 , when they will pass the baton to Turkey as the next Global WING team.

Concept Generation
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Design Outcome

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