June 2018


Brand Identity
Website Design
Corporate Documentation
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Andrea Blair & Paul Siratovich


Taupō, New Zealand
Upflow is a geothermal consulting firm that is the brainchild of Andy and Paul, two individuals who have a deep understanding of the business of science and a proven ability to turn scientific ideas into real-world gains. Upflow is in the business of designing world changing commercial solutions from science.
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Business Insights

The founders of Upflow are not bound by convention. Andy and Paul defy the norm in many ways and stepped away from the security of large business and academia to start a geothermal revolution. They challenge the industry to do things differently, to push for better, faster and smarter solutions to hard problems. The adage of ‘we’ve always done it this way’ is guaranteed to kick off a vocal discussion!

Our values show the specific behaviours and skills that we care about most. If these describe your best day at work and makes your brain fizz with energy, then Upflow is the place for you. If these values leave you cold, confused or even undecided – you are not going to make the cut. Be real about it as we don’t want to waste our time or yours.

Concept Generation
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Design Outcome

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